Generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders – Generation Options
The heart of COGZ Work Order Software is preventive maintenance work order system. The preventive maintenance generation process automatically creates PM work orders from designated PM tasks as they become due. This process ensures that with routine maintenance you will avoid most problems before they occur. Replace firefighting with proactive maintenance.
The Generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders Form can be found under the Work menu in COGZ. This will allow you to generate your new work orders based on your preset requirements.

The System Defaults Form can be found under the Setup menu.
Auto PM Generation Section will be available if the optional Work Order Enhancement Module is installed.
Generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders
The Generate PM Work Orders process searches your Equipment/PMs and creates preventive maintenance work orders for any equipment that has preventive maintenance tasks that are due according to miles, meter reading, or last date done. This process will also commit any parts necessary to complete the preventive maintenance tasks in the inventory database. A full description of how to setup preventive maintenance tasks is in the Equipment section of this manual. All of your completed preventive maintenance work orders from the previous preventive maintenance cycle should be closed before proceeding with a new cycle. Depending on your default settings, new work orders will be created with any new tasks added to the old uncompleted tasks and new work order numbers will be assigned. In the System Defaults Form there is an option so you can choose to replace all existing preventive maintenance work orders with new work orders or create additional preventive maintenance work orders for any new tasks that are due.
When you have a new system and have entered all of the data, there is no last date done listed when you generate preventive maintenance tasks for the first time. You can go through and add the last date done to the individual items, but this would be a tedious task. We recommend generating the preventive maintenance tasks. Since there is no Last Date Done, COGZ Work Order Software will generate all PM tasks. Once you have these, close out the ones that were done previously (COGZ will prompt you that the date entered is old, but that is okay). This will add the last date done as well as establish the history in your system. This will be easier than manually entering one date at a time.
Last date PM work orders were generated: The computer will automatically display this information for your reference.
PM work orders will be generated up to and including this date: This is the date to which you want to schedule. It is a future date and is normally a 7-day interval from your previous work order cycle. This interval is setup in the System Defaults Form. However, you can override the date that is generated on this screen.
At the end of the Generate PM Work Orders Cycle you will be asked if you want to print Work orders now. If you decide to print the work orders later they can be printed from the Work Order Section of the Report Menu.
Below are some options you may choose to customize generation when required.
Enable PM Range Selection: Limits the range of preventive maintenance tasks by Equipment No., Department, Location, Section, and Line. When using this function the last date PM Work Orders were generated will not be updated. This will allow you to enter new equipment and generate work orders for just those pieces of equipment without incrementing the date.
Allow Schedule Ahead PM Duplicates: Allows you to generate preventive maintenance work orders and recreate open preventive maintenance work orders, creating duplicates. This feature will recreate all work orders that are due for the date generated, even if there are already existing work orders open. The system will not allow you to check the Delete Open PM’s and Recreate All PM WO’s with this function. If open work orders are deleted no duplicates can be created. This feature is usually used when companies have contractors that they need to send the preventive maintenance work orders to ahead of time or when the scheduler is due for a vacation.
Create New PM WO’s and Recreate ALL PM WO’s: Deletes all of the existing preventive maintenance work orders and recreates all current preventive maintenance work orders. If you do not choose this option the currently open preventive maintenance work orders will remain unchanged.

Depending on your PM Generation System Default Settings, if you exceed 4 times and still do not recreate all preventive maintenance work orders, you will be prompted by the system with the below message. You can see the available options on the System Defaults form above.
Additional information on COGZ Work Order Generation can be found in the COGZ Manual under Preventive Maintenance Overview in the What to do First section.