Maintenance Software for Tech Companies




CMMS for Technology Manufacturing

Technology facilities require precise conditions and complex equipment to operate.  Timely maintenance and accurate calibration are required for smooth operation. COGZ CMMS offers automatic preventive maintenance scheduling, work order and cost tracking, spare parts inventory, work order requests submitted directly or by email, as well as a host of other features.  Keep your technology facility running without interruptions.

Data center maintained with technology cmms software

Centralized Paperless Record keeping

Centralize and share your maintenance data with safe, secure and reliable CMMS Software.

Mobile Maintenance Management

Perform and track maintenance on the go and in real time. Easily find the information you need to get the job done.

Full Maintenance Automation

From generating preventive maintenance work orders to automatic inventory re-ordering, CMMS returns time to you.

Manage Resources and Labor

Maximize efficiency by balancing workloads. Know what parts you have on hand and locate them with ease.

Intelligent Data Analysis

Make confident business decisions with customizable data exports and reporting.

Streamline Work Order Management

Plan and priototize work orders. Automate Work Order Requests. View status and track Downtime.